You can pay your water bill in person at the White Sulphur Springs City Hall located at 589 Main Street West, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986 or call 1-877-794-1209. You can also pay online here: fees will apply online and over the phone.
Once you find a location to start a business you will need to apply for a West Virginia State License. Once you have your state license you will need to bring that with you to City Hall and apply for a City Business License.
Yes! Come into City Hall to fill out paperwork. Before you can apply for a City Business licenses you MUST first obtain a West Virginia State license first, please make sure you bring your West Virginia state license to city hall.
Visit for all your MTA questions. If you are still uncertain please call 304-872-5872. MTA - Mountain Transit Authority 1096 Broad Street Summersville, WV 26651 304-872-5872
You can pay your land and property taxes at the Greenbrier County Courthouse. For more information, please visit their website
Police department homepage. Information about chief, police officers, community outreach, protection resources, safety programs, crime stoppers, who to call
Summer Seasonal Jobs West Carrollton, Ohio City of West Carrollton Part-Time Fire Inspector West Carrollton, Ohio City of West Carrollton Reserve Police Officer West Carrollton, Ohio City of West Carrollton Part-Time Firefighter-EMT/Paramedic West Carrollton, Ohio City of West Carrollton Sorry no content could be found.